Book Us
Thank you for choosing to book the Madrigal choir! The Madrigal Singers are available to perform at your private, business, or community event in an octet (8 singers), a double octet (16 singers), or the entire choir. Please submit a form through the given link, and
our octet coordinators will respond to you.
*Within Davis/El Macero
Octet (8):......................................... $350
Double Octet (16):........................... $600
Full Choir:........................................ $1,100
**Within 20 miles of the Davis city limits*
Octet (8):....................................... $450
Double Octet (16):......................... $800
Full Choir:..................................... $1,300
*All performances are predefined by the Choir Director. Customization of performances requires advanced notice, approval and may increase prices.
**Parent drivers are required. The Madrigals will get as close to these choir sizes as possible but where drivers are unavailable, sizes may be slightly different.